Friday, 17 October 2014

Getting back my mojo

I'm amazed its been over a yea since I last wrote in my blog.  The past year has been much more positive. There has been some sadness with the loss of my mother in law Angela whose absence is still keenly felt especially by Tony.  It was Angela's generosity that allowed us to put down the deposit and get a mortgage to buy our dream home. We have been here a month now and have never been happier. I feel that I am finally stating to regain my oomph and natural optimism. I am arranging dinner parties and am looking forward to Christmas for the first time since losing Katy.

Buying our new house together is of course a massive commitment and a whole new chapter in Tony's and mine relationship and partnership together. Sometimes scary but ultimately exciting and wonderful.

2 1/2 years ago I never thought that I could look forward to things again but it is true that time does heal. I know my sister would love our new home and I do allow myself the luxury of a weep now and then at the thought that she never got too see it and to see me happy and settled. However; I also know that she would be proud to see that I am moving in and living my life as fully as I can.

Finally feel I am getting my mojo back.