Monday, 9 September 2013

Truth in Writing

Trying to explain to someone how you feel can sometimes be so hard.  You know how you feel in your heart, but it is so difficult translating those feelings into coherent words without perhaps sounding whining and unreasonable.  It is even harder to do when you are someone who is normally laid back and easy going.  Someone who prefers the easy life and likes to avoid confrontation.  Who fears change and detests upsetting those who you love.

Some things are so much harder to do now I no longer have my voice of reason, aka my sister.  She always helped me to see situations from a different angle.  She always understood where I was coming from, was always on my side and was always supportive and loving.  Not having that person with whom I had such a strong bond and connection makes big decisions and moments so much harder now.  I find it difficult to talk to others about my most important feelings.  Maybe because I abhor the idea of appearing weak or anything less than positive and decisive?

What I can say is be true to yourself and stand by your beliefs.  Make sure you know these feelings are true before communicating them as once said cannot be retracted.  Know what is in your heart.  Trust in your judgement and do not be swayed.  Do not be influenced by false endearments.

Putting things in writing assists me now in gaining the objectivity that is often now so elusive.  Writing is my therapy, my balm and my surrogate sister.